Caregiver Out for a Walk with Client
Choosing Hourly Vs. Live-In Care

Many client families reach out to us unsure if they should be pursuing live-in or hourly care. Each option has its benefits, and a family can be better served by one or the other at different points in the care journey. Generally speaking, hourly care will be the better option if the elderly individual needs fewer […]

Boca Home Care Services Named CareScout High Quality Partner

Boca Home Care Services is honored to have been named an inaugural member of the CareScout Quality Network. The CareScout Quality Network is a best-in-class set of homecare companies who meet high standards for quality, client-centered care services. In a statement launching the Quality Network, CareScout CEO Samir Shah pointed to the frustration families feel navigating a fragmented and […]

Dementia Patient Receiving Care
Understanding Dementia

Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses a group of disorders characterized by misperception, memory problems, disorientation, mental confusion and in some cases, behavioral problems. Dementia is not just a normal sign of aging, but it does play in outsized role in how we think about caring for our aging or elderly parents. According to […]

Woman Studying Her Long-Term Care Policy
Understanding Long-Term Care Insurance

As people grow older, they often require long-term care and support. Although the cost of these services can be quite high, some of this can be mitigated with the help of long-term care insurance. This type of insurance is designed to cover the specific service and supports many elderly individuals need. What is Long-Term Care […]

Home Health Aide assisting client stand
Tips for Seniors Dealing with Arthritis

Arthritis – particularly osteoarthritis, the degenerative breakdown of the tissue cushioning the ends of bones – is a common condition for senior citizens. Up to half of all adults in the US above the age of 65 are coping with some form of arthritis. Arthritis can be painful and limit mobility, reducing a senior’s ability […]

Seniors maintaining independence
Tips for Ensuring Success with Your Home Care Aide

Once your family has made the decision to hire a home health aide, there are several steps you can take to ensure it is a successful experience for both the care recipient and the extended family. Recognizing the need for care, accepting assistance and engaging with a homecare agency or nurse registry are tremendous steps […]

Meal prep for a senior citizen
What is a Home Health Aide?

Because many families only begin looking into home health care when the need is immediate, they find themselves discussing potential home care solutions for their aging parents or spouse using terms they may not fully understand. In order to assist our friends and neighbors in making informed decisions, we’ve put together a brief primer on […]

Home health aide with client
Tips for Communicating with Seniors who Have Alzheimer’s

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 6.7 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s dementia, a figure that equates to nearly 11% of the U.S. population over the age of 65. More than 11 million family members provide unpaid home care to these individuals; such care ranges from assistance with household chores, transportation, medication […]

Male Home Health Aide Helping a Client
What is a Nurse Registry?

Families often ask us to explain the difference between a nurse registry and a home health agency. This is a particularly common question from clients who split their time between Florida and other states, as well as from out-of-state adult children seeking home care for their elderly parents. Three Models This is because in the […]

Assisting with senior nutrition.
Tips for Healthier Senior Nutrition

Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution or following a specific health scare, there are many reasons we promise ourselves to eat better going forward. For seniors who may be dealing with or trying to stave off various health issues, better nutrition is particularly important. There are two equally important components to improving one’s diet: what […]